Jeremy Ringlein CRPC
“A lot can be said about understanding the past in order to make better decisions in the future. This certainly applies to the financial and investment planning we do with our clients here at Flatwater Wealth. The strengths of the partners provide the basis that guides our decision-making process. We provide a straight forward, no-nonsense approach in addressing your challenges through discussions to help you gain understanding.”
- As a founding partner, my philosophy, “every penny matters,” guides me in tailoring an investment approach that attempts to look at various angles of your situation coupled with market patterns and environment.
- I graduated from the University of Nebraska-Kearney with a degree in business administration with an emphasis in finance and minor in economics.
- In 2000, I entered the financial services industry by joining Waddell and Reed (our former broker-dealer).
- On a personal level, my time is filled by my daughter, Macy, and son, Brice. Spending time with them and helping expand their growing interests is important.